
Showcase and the Administrative Improvement Awards (AIAs) will both be held on Thursday, April 18, at Union South. Below is a summary of the schedule for the day.

Showcase 2024


Time Activity Presenter(s) Location
8:30-9:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast Varsity Hall
9:00-9:10 a.m. Welcome Charles Meyer, interim associate vice provost for strategic initiatives & director, Office of Strategic Consulting Varsity Hall
9:10-10:00 a.m. Poster Flash Talks (2-minute synopses of select projects and posters) Jeremy Kautza, internal consultant, Office of Strategic Consulting (host) Varsity Hall
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Poster Exhibition Varsity Hall
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Navigating the Organizational Hairball to Revive Creativity and Inspire Innovation Deb Filipiak and Jacob Hahn, internal consultants, Office of Strategic Consulting Northwoods Room
Managing Complex Change: A Model for Transformation Chris Dakes, director, Angela Kita, associate director, and Christa Wille, research analyst, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education, College of Engineering; and Haley Briel, teaching and learning specialist, Collaboratory for Engineering Education and Teaching Excellence, College of Engineering Landmark Room
Fostering Positive Workplace Change: A Collective Approach to Climate Issues Eric Lynne, admissions business analyst, Alissa Ewer, assistant dean, Amy Fruchtman, assistant director of professional development, William J. Karpus, dean, Peter Kinsley, senior research and policy analyst, Debbie Klimek, application review specialist, and Jules Whitaker, research mentor training specialist in the Graduate School Delta Program, Graduate School Marquee Theater
How to Build Strong Project Teams Using Servant-Leadership Practices Joe Goss, senior business analyst and project manager, Division of Information Technology Agriculture Room
12:00-1:00 p.m. Buffet Lunch Varsity Hall


Time Session Presenter(s) Location
1:00-1:45 p.m. Keynote: What It Means To Be an Elite Public University for the 21st Century: A Fireside Chat with Provost Charles Isbell Charles Lee Isbell, Jr., UW–Madison Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Hilldale Professor Varsity Hall
2:00-3:00 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions
The Practical Application of Design Sprints for Product and Service Optimization Cindy Bush, director of insights and market strategy, and Mary Cummins, web development and UX manager, Wisconsin School of Business Agriculture Room
The Science of High-Performing Teams Patrick Kelly, Team Science research and program manager, and Whitney Sweeney, Team Science Core scientist, Institute for Clinical and Translational Research Marquee Theater
Applied Tools for Measuring Effectiveness: How UW Collaborated with State and Local Partners to Assess the Impact of a Vital Service Erin Skalitzky and Janae Goodrich, evaluation researchers, and Caleb Hogeterp, evaluation research specialist, UW Population Health Institute Landmark Room
Aligning Change Management and Communication for Project Success Vanessa Taulbee, business analysis and change management associate director, Lauren Bruce, communications manager, and Bobby Jo Morse, strategic IT portfolio management office director, Division of Information Technology Northwoods Room

Administrative Improvement Awards

Showcase attendees are also encouraged to attend the 2024 Administrative Improvement Awards, sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, immediately following the afternoon breakout sessions.

The Administrative Improvement Awards recognize members of the UW–Madison community who demonstrate creativity, forward-thinking, and dedication to advancing the teaching, research, and outreach mission. The award celebrates outstanding work in process design or redesign, innovation, development, or customer service that results in improved efficiency, new revenue channels, cost or time savings, improved service delivery, or other benefits.

If you know of an individual or team that has made a significant contribution in one of these areas, consider nominating them for an award. All current employees, including student employees, are eligible. Self-nominations will not be accepted.